“It’s revolution not evolution. Evolution you can buy; revolution you have to do”
Philippe Ensarguet, CTO, Orange Business Services &
Winner of the Mobile Europe CTO of the Year: Trailblazer Award 2021
For many operators, disaggregation and integration is the name of the game from end to end of their infrastructure. The abundance of new capabilities and technologies is turning them into techcos, looking to differentiate their services and products on top of common, standardised foundations. From network automation to AI and analytics, from IoT to network slicing, and from going cloud native to exploring the edge there are so many opportunities and challenges.
Join the leading thinkers – and executors – in our industry to debate what we are doing and what we need to do to arrive at the techco destination.
Enquire about sponsoring and contributing to the discussions
Contact Fidi Neophytou fidin@mobileeurope.co.uk / +44 7741 911 302 or Simon La Thangue simonlt@mobileeurope.co.uk / +44 7776 321 644
The presentations and panel discussions during this two-day virtual event, will look to cover:
- Will Open RAN become the edge?
- Does the converged services model really work?
- What are the solutions to challenges of integrating Operational Technology and IT in a 5G world?
- What progress have we made towards moving the network to cloud?
- Does the move to cloud mean the end of OSS?
- Network automation as a big driver of 5G
- The rapidly changing role of service assurance in the short, medium and longer term
- The journey to cloud native
- Does the move to cloud mean the end of OSS?
- The relationship between vRAN and Open RAN
- Why we need hyperscalers in private 5G networks for applications?
- What kind of new architectures will hyperscalers bring to the O-RAN OpenRAN ecosystem?
- How are operators using hyperscalers to serve their enterprise customers, and to boost their own operations?
- What role can microservices play in data integration and how do they help?
- AI underpinning automation: when will AIOps and automation become the same thing?
- How open and standardised are open APIs?
- Deciding which legacy systems to migrate to the cloud
- Satellites in 5G
- The trials of managing dense FTTH
Full agenda coming soon